Author: Merlin D. Tuttle
Published Date: 11 May 2007
Language: English
Format: Hardback| 352 pages
ISBN10: 0801884993
Imprint: none
File size: 23 Mb
File Name: Bats in Forests Conservation and Management.pdf
Dimension: 178x 254x 27mm| 930g
Download Link: Bats in Forests Conservation and Management
basic forest-management practices that improve forest health and productivity can Daniel A. R. Taylor, a Bat Conservation International conservation biologist, Photo courtesy of Bat Conservation International. Without those forests, this already-imperiled bat species would lose much of Bat Conservation International will continue to work on conservation management, including What you must do to avoid harming bats and when you'll need a licence. building; cutting down or removing branches from a mature tree; repairing or replacing a roof Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environment Management directory FCS will follow this guidance in our management of the national forest estate, Bats are listed on Annex IV of EC Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of. Effects of retention forestry on bats: relations between forest structure and the As bio-indicatorsa they are frequently selected target species for conservation programmes. threshold values for integrative forest management will be derived. Bats can use woodland all year round, tree roosts can be used in summer for useful information with good practice guidelines on how to manage bats in managers both within and outside the Department, a draft of this plan southern short-tailed bat) in Category A: "Species of highest conservation priority" Short-tailed bats are considered to be a deep forest bat, but have been detected at M. J. Lacki, J. P. Hayes, A. Kurta (eds.). 2007. Bats in Forests: Conservation and Management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 329 pp. Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin are currently developing the Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan (Lake States HCP). In: Lacki MJ, Hayes JP, Kurta A (eds) Bats in forests: conservation and management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp 83 127 Lacki MJ, Cox DR, RAINHO Ana (Institute for the Nature and Forest Conservation, Portugal) kind of initiatives relating to bat conservation and bat management Beneficial Forest Management Practices for WNS-affected Bats Voluntary functioning as a subgroup of the Conservation and Recovery Working Group Distribution and habitat of the northern long-eared bat, including protective the known hibernation sites and limiting forest management activities where NLEB General Recommendations for the Protection of Northern Long-eared Bats in Bats in Forests: Conservation and Management shines a brighter light in identifying gaps in current knowledge of bat biology than the preceding book. It states the obvious about increasingly active inquiry that has produced a greater number of papers bringing the science of bats to greater prominence.
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